In addition, all Akashic Brothers receive at least some training in Do regardless of faction. While they stress that physical prowess is only part of the path to enlightenment, none of them deny that it is also very helpful in surviving the worst of the World of Darkness.Ĭhimes, incense, meditation, prayer sashes or flags, purification rites, weapons Concepts: The Kannagara are ascetics who uphold many old practices within the Brotherhood. As a result, the martial skills of the Akashics were tested constantly over the centuries in conflicts with authorities both mortal and supernatural. These Akashics argue that the Technocracy can be defeated only through powerful action, and they use Do as their weapon. Once, your life was in shambles and your marriage was a wreck, but thanks to the quiet advice of that old lady in the same apartment that you always run into at the laundromat, you learned to really listen. On a win or tie, the Brother is unfazed and able to act rationally. Motions of the arms and legs added to torsional momentum can also focus powerful strength into action, and the yielding nature of the physical form can be accessed to absorb a tremendous impact. Ultimately, the Do practitioner brings his body and mind in harmony with the natural flow of life, unhindered by the artificial constructs of development in a world cluttered by extraneous material. How can one understand the natural harmony of the universe by trying to grasp it, own it or control it? Throughout history, the Orange Robes have been seekers of peace and knowledge and form the largest contingent of the Brotherhood. It seems that their faction in the Brotherhood will remain a rather disparate part, forced by circumstance to bow to the greater weight of the Brotherhood in the Traditions. The Technocracyuntil then triumphant and clearly in the ascendant, was greatly weakened, and the Akashic Brotherhood and mae Traditions attacked to reshape consensual reality even further. They study the sutras to learn how manipulation of the environment occurs outside of the boundaries of the physical realm. When the Gauntlet was damaged by the massive Paradox Backlash unleashed to stop the Bug invasion of Brazil, Consensual reality changed in an instant. Akashic Brotherhood – Reality Deviants ~ A Mage: The Ascension StoryĪn Akashic Brother cannot use a Library background to learn Spheres, bbrotherhood he must make a Simple test win or tie to learn a level of Sphere magic from any mentor or tutor.Īs the spiritual philosophies of Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto and similar religions spread akasnic Asia, the Brotherhood followed. They also set up thousands of small “Martial Arts Academies” to take advantage of the growing popularity of chop-socky movies from the likes of Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan. However, they qkashic retain many unusual libraries and practices unknown to much of the rest of the Brotherhood.Īkashic Brother is simply a title for someone who studies the ways of Akasha, and it is intended to carry no gender bias.
However, Chang Ming was not ready for the depth of power that his newfound Style brought him. Li trained for years before the ultimate state of this form was achieved.
Sample Characters Inner City Boxing Trainer - Having grown up in one of the worst neighborhoods in the city, nobody expected you to bfotherhood up to be anything. Training of the mind and purification of the body are essential, as the initiate can easily be driven insane by the reality-manipulating powers of magick. The Akashic Brotherhood Tradition book for Mage: The Ascension is now Members of the Scales of the Dragon Sect, the Brotherhood’s foot soldiers in the.
Tradition Book: Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts (Mage: The Ascension).Tradition Book: Akashic Brotherhood (Mage: The Ascension). The Akashic Brotherhood are perhaps among the most esoteric of the Traditions in the Council of Nine.