Florida Statutes 468.Check out this version of the snake game commonly found on Nokia phones.Code > Title 15 > Chapter 8 - Falsely Stamped Gold or Silver or Goods Manufactured Therefrom Code > Title 15 > Chapter 48 - Hobby Protection Code > Title 15 > Chapter 42 - Interstate Land Sales Code > Title 15 > Chapter 13 - Textile Foundation (3) the practitioner provides the individual with an updated good faith estimate after the health carrier or provider facility has provided the information required under subsection (c). (2) the practitioner provides the individual with a good faith estimate based on any information that the practitioner has and (1) a health carrier or provider facility fails to provide the practitioner with the information as required under subsection (c) (d) A practitioner is not subject to the penalties under section 19 of this chapter if: The provider facility shall provide the practitioner with all relevant information for services and costs for the good faith estimate that are to be provided by the provider facility for inclusion in a good faith estimate by the practitioner. (c) A health carrier and a provider facility must provide a practitioner with the information needed by the practitioner to comply with the requirements under this chapter not more than two (2) business days after receiving the request. (b) Subsection (a) does not prohibit a practitioner from providing to an individual a good faith estimate that indicates how much of the total figure stated under subsection (a)(2) will be the individual’s out-of-pocket expense after the health carrier‘s payment of charges. (3) Include a total figure that is a sum of the estimated prices referred to in subdivisions (1) and (2). (iii) medication, supplies, equipment, and material items to be provided to or used by the individual while the individual is present in the provider facility in connection with the nonemergency health care service įor imaging, laboratory services, diagnostic services, therapy, observation services, and other services expected to be provided to the individual for the episode of care. (ii) the services rendered by the staff of the provider facility in connection with the nonemergency health care service and (i) the use of the provider facility to care for the individual for the nonemergency health care service (B) the price that the provider facility in which the health care service will be performed charged for: (A) the price charged for the services and material items that the practitioner will provide and charge the individual and provider facility: means any of the following:.price: means the negotiated rate between the:.practitioner: means an individual or entity duly licensed or legally authorized to provide health care services.
nonemergency health care service: means a discrete service or series of services ordered by a practitioner for an episode of care for the:.good faith estimate: means a reasonable estimate of the price a practitioner anticipates charging for an episode of care for nonemergency health care services that:.episode of care: means the medical care ordered to be provided for a specific medical procedure, condition, or illness.